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Ideaport Riga blog: Future of CRM - Salesforce, Siebel, and GenAI solutions

Three common issues with Siebel UX and how to solve them

While discussing why Siebel application is often lagging behind its competitors in usability, we came up with three points:

  • Missing user-centricity in design
  • Limited amount of UI Components
  • Lack of UI Design Patterns for complex user flows
So, let's start with the fundamentals.

UX Concepts Overview for Siebel Professionals

In this article, I would like to familiarize Siebel experts with the main terms, tools, and methods used in the User Experience (UX) domain. To make concepts more tangible, I will explain what UX tools we at Idea Port Riga use during the two-week-long mini-project as we discover Siebel UX improvement opportunities.

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