Nexus Face: Build modern Siebel Open UI in record time

Nexus Face is a low-code development tool for Siebel CRM teams to create

engaging UI in a drag-and-drop manner. No hardcore web development skills

required; drop components, add interactions, bind the data, boom!

Nexus Face solves
the Siebel Open UI dilemma

When it comes to Siebel UI look-and-feel and usability, you have the following dilemma:

You can stick to out-of-the-box UI design, which requires no extra effort to build and maintain, but your users will struggle with the usability of the outdated Siebel UI.


Alternatively, you can choose to customize Open UI and make your users very productive and engaged, but heavy UI customization demands extensive investments and causes maintainability issues. 

Nexus Face offers the 3rd alternative: using a wide variety of UI components, you can turn Siebel into the great-looking, easy-to-use application while writing a minimal amount of code.

Take a look at a UI built with Nexus Face

Nexus Face - Siebel Dashboard UI
Nexus Face - Siebel Account UI
Nexus Face - Siebel UI Kanban Board
Nexus Face - Siebel  UI Contacts
Nexus Face Activities
Nexus Face New Opportunity

Watch Nexus Face in Action

Seeing Nexus Face in action is a marvel of modern technology, showcasing

seamless interaction and real-time responsiveness that captivates users.

This not only demonstrates the current capabilities of technology but also opens

up exciting possibilities for its application across different fields.

Reasons why you should use Nexus Face

We have run multiple Siebel UI improvement projects using different approaches. Open UI "native" jQuery, modern React/Vue.js/Angular, custom web apps on top of Siebel REST: you name it.
Now we switched to the Nexus Face, and here is why you should too.

Fast UI Development

Fast UI Development

First, declarative configuration generally takes less time than writing the code. Second, we did all the underlying wiring with Siebel Open UI infrastructure for you. Finally, Nexus Face re-uses the existing Siebel configuration: no need to replicate business logic on the UI.

No Web Developer Needed

No Web Developer Needed

Your current Siebel team can implement and support your Open UI makeover. You don't need to have hardcore web development skills to deliver results with the Nexus Face. Yet knowing basic CSS and JavaScript will make you unstoppable in creating awesome Siebel UI.

Full Siebel UX Transformation

Full Siebel UX Transformation

You won't run out of money and stop halfway after improving a couple of Siebel screens. With Nexus Face, you will provide consistent user experience across the entire Siebel application and fully deliver UX benefits: better learnability, ease-of-use, and user productivity.

Nexus Face Inspire Project Standard Offer

Nexus Face team had a busy Summer in 2020: we have delivered pilot projects for four clients. These pilots confirmed that Nexus Face boosts UI development speed in a big way.

How to get started with the Nexus Face journey at your company?
Run free Nexus Face Inspire Project!


Time: 2 weeks


  • Analysis of your Siebel CRM functionality;

  • Selecting one use-case for re-design with Nexus Face;

  • Interviews with 2-3 users;

  • Designing the new UI for the selected use-case with Nexus Face (UI will work on mock data, not Siebel data);


  • In-depth workshop on building Siebel Open UI with the Nexus Face;

  • Access to your Nexus Face designed UI;

  • High-level plan on how to transform your entire Siebel UI in 6-9 months.

No access to your Siebel environment is required.

Want to keep informed on Siebel UX Transformations?

Sign up to receive occasional emails with examples of Siebel UX transformations, updates on our products, and offers.
Olegs Koleskins - Senior Siebel Consultant

Learn more about Nexus Face and Nexus Bridge and how these products can boost your Siebel CRM usability

Nexus Face webinar

"Nexus Face: a faster way to great Siebel UX": webinar's link and notes

On June 2, we hosted the first public Nexus Face webinar, with 65 people attending.
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